Foi um êxtase para cariocas e turistas a tarde do domingo 19 com a realização da 22ª Parada do Orgulho LGBTI do Rio de Janeiro .
Curta o Guia Gay BH no Facebook
A Avenida Atlântica, em Copacabana, Zona Sul da cidade, se coloriu para receber o evento que, nos últimos meses, foi adiado e quase cancelado por falta de recursos, mas, enfim, tomou conta das ruas com alegria contagiante.
Em meio à celebração do orgulho arco-íris, houve protestos, em falas e cartazes, que, aliás, era o tom da marcha, organizada pelo Grupo Arco-Íris. A entidade posicionou-se claramente contrária ao prefeito Marcelo Crivella (PRB) que tem feito um governo de pouco diálogo com as minorias.
Com presenças ilustres de Daniela Mercury, Pabllo Vittar, Jane Di Castro e Preta Gil, dentre outras, a parada foi um grito de liberdade contra o conservadorismo de seus governantes. Confira 20 das melhores imagens selecionadas pelo Instagram:
AMEI #pg #paradagay
Uma publicação compartilhada por Gerson Ramos Rodrigues (@g.rrodrigues) em Nov 19, 2017 às 4:46 PST
#gay #pride #riodejaneiro A Gay Pride is a parade, a non-violent march where a minority and its activists demonstrate their desire to have respect and equality in the exercise of their constitutional rights. Much like other minorities needed and still need up to this day. Women marched in 1913 to be able to vote, Black people marched in 1965 against segregationist repression and up to this day people march for the full recognition of their human rights. Gay Pride is called pride also because its a date, one single day in the year where it is "accepted and secured" by the State and law agents to have pride in fully being who you are. To express your freedom and go beyond the imposed conservative binary perception of gender and celebrate being yourself and most of all, being alive! Brazil has been facing many problems like extreme poverty, extreme corruption, lack of good public health, education, safety etc and some may not understand why a Gay Pride should be relevant and mobilise so many people. People attending a Gay Pride are asking for visibility, are demanding respect for their HUMAN RIGHTS, are demanding to be recognised as humans, as equals. Which is much needed, specially in Brazil, the number 1 country in killing LGBTQA people: 1 every 25h, a total of 343 last year. Including the horrifying and very mediatic case of Dandara; a transgender woman who got publicly tortured and killed by a group of people in her neighbourhood while they filmed a cellphone video documenting her abuse and later on circulated it on YouTube and other social media. Basically, if you have A DAY DEDICATED TO YOU its because you are a MINORITY and need to be remembered: Women's Day, Black Awereness Day, Native American day, Gay Pride etc. And it is EVERYBODY's DUTY to CHANGE this reality! #insta #instago #instagram #instagay #instadaily #instagood #lgbtqa #gay #brazil #humanrights #equality #beach #rainbow #rio #gayrights #paradagay #gaypride #change #minority #brasil #paradagay #22paradalgbtirio #repost
Uma publicação compartilhada por Leonardo (@abso.leo.tely) em Nov 19, 2017 às 8:30 PST